You are worthy of being loved

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Recently, I have come across many young ladies who find themselves in unhealthy relationships with unhealthy guys. The answer seems crystal clear….lose the looser! It’s not always that simple!
When we don’t feel worthy of anything better, we often settle for something less.

How do we change this “settling” behavior if we don’t feel like we could or should deserve better?

1. Change the recording – Most likely there have been messages from people who have been close to you that have caused you to believe that you are of lessor value or worth. Maybe it came from a parent, grandparent, sibling. If you have been constantly belittled or criticized, those messages often take a front seat in our brain. They are the messages that we begin to believe most about ourselves. What would happen if you began changing that recorded message to positives about yourself. You are worthy, you are a blessing, you are talented, you are intelligent, you have worth to so many people!!!! As you begin to play this message over and over in your head, you will begin to believe it.


It’s a fight to drown out the negative messages. We want to believe the negative so much more than the positive. When you buy those negative message, Satan gets a foot in the door.

2. Identify how God see’s you.

Isaiah 43:1.“But now, this is what the LORD says—He who created you, O Jacob, he who has formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’ “

He knows you by name!!!! He may be a God who created the universe and who is taking care of the “Big Stuff”, but he takes time to know your name and know you intimately. 
Hebrews 4:13  “And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” 

Kind of scary to think he knows everything about us, but he loves us in spite of ourselves.  We often try to hide our “true selves” from others because we don’t like the person we think we are…he knows us and still loves us. 

I Samuel 16:7… For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the heart. 

He knows your heart.  He knows when it is hurting.  He knows when it is broken.  He rejoices when we rejoice and he comforts us in our sorrows.  He knows how you feel. 
3.      Take appropriate action -  (a.k.a. – lose the looser!)  In all seriousness, if we know that we are making choices that support the negative view of ourselves , we keep reconfirming the idea that we are not worthy to be loved by the actions we take and whom we take it with.  We will never break this ugly cycle.  Take action!  Make good and healthy changes!  If you need to cut unhealthy people out of your life, do it.  It may be one of the most difficult tasks you have ever done, but it is necessary to find that healthy view of yourself.  If you have an infection, you have to clean the infection out or else it will spread throughout your body.  Negativity is an infection.  Is that other person helping you see yourself in the eyes of Jesus or a negative self that isn’t worthy of a healthy love. 
You are beautiful in God’s eyes.  He made you. He created you with purpose.  He cares about you, even when you don’t feel worthy of being cared for. You deserve the best that God has for you!!!!